Rodney Howard Browne – Marcelino N. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

What can I say about soul winning? Soul winning changed my life and my family’s completely; there is no way to be the same again after you see people been saved and touched before you, and you see God using you to do that! The Bible says that who win souls is wise, and that is true, I feel so privileged to be able to share with people about the One who came with a unique purpose, and that is to save the world.

God’s heart beats for souls. As His true followers we need to obey His Great Commission (Matt.28:19,20) and by doing that we not only bring salvation to those who are lost but we bring joy to the Father’s heart. The same power and authority that was given to Jesus is available to every believer, but I couldn’t understand that until I really got a revelation of it. Once I did, I started to see fruits coming out of the times I would go out soul winning. Soul winning became a life style to me instead of just a program. I will never forget one of the times I was ministering to a couple and after they had said the prayer of salvation with me I asked if they would also like to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and they said yes. I prayed with them and boom they started to speak in unknown tongues.

The lady was so touched that she didn’t know what to do. She jumped, she laughed, she cried, it was an amazing experience! I always have a good time when I go out soul winning; the truth is that I never know what God is up to! I encourage you to give it a try for yourself and see how your life will be changed forever. Let God use you and be blessed!